EN: 00351 961 723 778 - WhatsApp


We would like to give you the opportunity of showing to your customers your work in high quality!

We can produce Samples as Albums and Books, any size you wish and number of double pages you prefer.
With a Sample product, you can show to your customer the exact product you offer and the quality of your work represented.


We have got available Elegance Albums, Deluxe Albums, Classic Albums, Light Albums, Elite Albums, Embossing Albums and many Packs! You can also opt for Photo Book (Photographic Paper and Offset), Studio Book (Photographic Paper and Offset), Pocket, Quick, Triangular, Proof Book and Magazines.

(For other products, please get in contact with us)




To be considered Sample, the product must have written on the first double page “Sample”.
This information must be well visible.

We offer 50% discount on a Sample product!

We will provide you with a voucher so you can select and order your product through Online Laboratory.



You will need to be registered on our website and send us an e-mail regarding the sample, so we can create a special voucher for you!


As soon as you receive the voucher code, you will be able to order your Sample product. While ordering, you will have the opportunity to input your discount code and then finalise the payment (by Bank Transfer or Paypal) and then be ready to upload your files through Multicontraste Upload.


You will be notified by e-mail about your order status, the same as any other order.



We will be available for any questions you may have by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) or phone (+351961 723 778).


Seduce your customers with our High Quality products together with your Talent!

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